How does Hunt Trip Guru (HTG) get information from Outfitters?
We check them out through many resources, but mainly through detailed conversations and conducting an in-depth interview utilizing questions and research created by years of whitetail hunting experience. HTG was very open-minded when putting together their criteria and consulted many other experienced hunter and Outfitters to compile an effective research strategy.
What is the criteria for including an Outfitter?
Our initial mindset starting out is there is always more information needed from an Outfitter for a hunter to make a right decision. HTG has an extensive interview process that is designed to make the Outfitter be as forthcoming and honest as possible. References are contacted and all hunters that hunted with an Outfitter the year before are contacted – not just the good ones. We contact all of them to make sure we are getting the complete picture.
Can hunters contact HTG for advice or additional information?
Advice, no. Additional information, yes.